The Problem

The group does not function as a team.

The scenario plays out as follows:

Most employees start new jobs with the hopes of achieving their goals and the success they dream of.  But most organizations are designed to prevent people from succeeding and achieving their success.

Most organizations do not monitor the morale and spirit of their employees.  The design and structure of the organization results in internal conflict and stress.  The company is now facing inward and does not perceive and adjust to customer needs, competitor advancements and market shifts.

The solution is to get more production out of employees.  This results in more downward pressure from management's attempt to force people to work harder.

We read articles about the problems with employee engagement.  Human Resources is tasked with the cost and stress of hiring and on-boarding new-hires on a revolving basis.

The group does not function as a team.  It functions instead as a group of individuals doing the irreducible minimum to keep their job.

In other words, if they were a football team, they would not win the Super Bowl.

While there is tremendous noise and continuous corporate restructurings attempting to spark growth and profits, the real problem remains hidden.  People within the business who are capable of fixing the problem simply can’t see it.  Otherwise they would fix it.

1433 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada, California 91011

Phone: 747.254.0605